Week 4
Kia Ora Kākano whānau
Thank you for all of your support with the covid protocols during these first two weeks. With more cases showing up we want to keep the children safe. We are asking that no parents are inside the classroom and have made the drop-off zone outside the gates of the Kākano gates if the children are needing parents to walk them into school. The teachers have strategies for saying goodbye in the morning, if you think there will be an issue dropping at the gate please email your child’s teacher. On a wet day, we ask all parents to stay outside of the Kākano gates as we have lots of children to get to set areas to meet parents.
No swimming this week
Monday at lunchtime. Girls bring shorts and t-shirt. Boys can come in their uniform - you can bring shorts and t-shirts if you wish.
Thank you for all the recycling that came in last week, this is an ongoing need as the children are enjoying making some amazing creations.
Things we like
* Boxes
* Bottle tops
* Bread tags
* Clean coffee pods
* Material and wool scraps
* Cardboard Scraps
If you have anything you may think help please email teachers.
Plastic Bags
Another ongoing need is bread bags or supermarket fruit and vegetable bags, If you have any spare please get your child to bring them into class.
School Mass
Our opening school mass is scheduled for this Friday. Weather permitting we will be holding this outside. Unfortunately due to covid restrictions, we aren’t able to have families attend this
Week ahead:
Monday - normal school day
Tuesday - normal school day
Wednesday - normal school day
Thursday - normal school day
Friday - sausage sizzle and juicy day $1.50 each
Enjoy the rest of your weekend
Kākano teachers
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