Week 9

 Kia ora whānau

It is week 9 this week and we continue to be impressed with the way the children are working across all Kākano classes.

It has been pleasing to see many children return to school after periods of illness or isolation.  As always, we remind you if your child is displaying any cough or cold symptoms you keep them at home and test for Covid.

In class we continue to…

  • Keep our space well ventilated with open windows and doors

  • Clean hard surfaces throughout the day

  • Remind children to sanitise as they enter the classroom


Each day your child brings home an activity to do with your support.  You will find a description of the activity in your child’s Blue Reading Log.  The activity aims to support the classroom learning your child has done that day and should take no longer than 10 minutes.

We thank all the whānau who take the time to share in their child’s learning.  We have noticed a remarkable difference with those children who are regularly completing home activities.

If you have any questions about work that is being sent home, please contact your classroom teacher.


Kākano 6 is swimming this week.  Please bring your togs every day.  The pool is heated so all children will be able to swim. The children are making great progress in the pool, it is important to get the children in the pool each day.


Mondays at lunchtime if your child wishes to attend. Girls bring shorts and a t-shirt. Boys can come in their uniform - you can bring shorts and t-shirts if you wish.

Roller Skating

Fridays at lunchtime if your child wishes to attend. Bring your own skates and helmets. 

The week ahead:

Monday - normal school day

Tuesday - normal school day

Wednesday - normal school day

Thursday - normal school day

Friday -  sausage sizzle and juicy day $1.50 each.

We thank you for your continued support,

Kākano Teachers


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