
Showing posts from February, 2022

Week 5

  Kia Ora Kākano whānau We are coming up to the mid term mark this week and the term feels like it’s flying by. Your tamariki are excited, enthusiastic and eager to extend their knowledge and learning each day. Thank you for your continued support with the covid protocols that we have in place. You have been great at dropping your children off outside the classroom, or at the gate, and we ask that you continue to do this each day. The children are coming into class happy and settled, and so proud to be independent “big” kids. Shrove Tuesday - Bring a gold coin for pancakes Shrove Tuesday is also known as pancake day. Traditionally foods like egg, milk and sugar were given up for Lent. The day before Lent began, people would use up all these foods by making pancakes. As part of our Religious Education this week, we will be making pancakes and learning the meaning behind why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. Please bring a gold coin donation to school on Monday so we can purchase t...

Week 4

  Kia Ora Kākano whānau Thank you for all of your support with the covid protocols during these first two weeks. With more cases showing up we want to keep the children safe.  We are asking that no parents are inside the classroom and have made the drop-off zone outside the gates of the Kākano gates if the children are needing parents to walk them into school.  The teachers have strategies for saying goodbye in the morning, if you think there will be an issue dropping at the gate please email your child’s teacher.  On a wet day, we ask all parents to stay outside of the Kākano gates as we have lots of children to get to set areas to meet parents. No swimming this week Gym    Monday at lunchtime. Girls bring shorts and t-shirt. Boys can come in their uniform - you can bring shorts and t-shirts if you wish. Recycling Thank you for all the recycling that came in last week, this is an ongoing need as the children are enjoying making some amazing creations. Thin...

Te Reo this week

 This week we have been learning how to great one person, two people or more than three people. The children have been practicing in the mornings. Tēnā koe - Hello to one person Tēna kōrua - Hello to two people Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people

Week 3

  Kia Ora Kākano whānau We hope you have had a safe weekend in this stormy weather! It was so great to have all of the children start back at school this week. We had an awesome week getting to know the new classes.  Thank you for all of your support with the covid protocols during this first week. Most of the children have settled in well and come in happily in the morning to complete their morning routines. It is awesome to see them being independent already and being able to say bye to parents at the gate!  Last week we had a week of getting to know everyone. All the children loved being in the pool. We also did art, baking, literacy, and lots of playing together. Swimming We are swimming this week, please bring your togs every day.  Recycling There is a creating station in Kākano where the children are able to use the hot glue guns to make new things. If you have any spare recyclable items that we could use please bring these to school for us to use! Anything l...

Term 1, Wiki 2

YAY!  We are super excited to get started at school for 2022.  This start of the week blog will be where you find all the information you need for the upcoming week. Library The library is not yet open.  Once it is, each class will visit the library once a week.  They will be able to issue two books each visit.  Please note books will need to be returned for children to issue new books. Swimming All Kākano classes will be swimming this week.  We will swim regardless of the rain as we are lucky enough to have a heated pool.  Remember to name all your child’s belongings (including underwear) to reduce the risk of lost items. Start of the Day We understand that many of our parents will wish to support their child as they start their first day of the 2022 schooling year.  We ask that you limit your time in the class to 5 minutes, this will help us to maintain our Covid response protocols.  If your child is happy to be dropped at the door please w...