Week 5
Kia Ora Kākano whānau We are coming up to the mid term mark this week and the term feels like it’s flying by. Your tamariki are excited, enthusiastic and eager to extend their knowledge and learning each day. Thank you for your continued support with the covid protocols that we have in place. You have been great at dropping your children off outside the classroom, or at the gate, and we ask that you continue to do this each day. The children are coming into class happy and settled, and so proud to be independent “big” kids. Shrove Tuesday - Bring a gold coin for pancakes Shrove Tuesday is also known as pancake day. Traditionally foods like egg, milk and sugar were given up for Lent. The day before Lent began, people would use up all these foods by making pancakes. As part of our Religious Education this week, we will be making pancakes and learning the meaning behind why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. Please bring a gold coin donation to school on Monday so we can purchase t...